When Can I Feed My Baby Solid Food

Starting Solids and Breastfeeding

Chest milk should be your babe's primary source of nutrition for the starting time year. Your breastfeeding design should non exist altered at all when starting solid foods.

The primary goal for the next six to eight months, earlier your baby turns one, is to get him/her familiarized with different textures and tastes, but the principal source of nutrition should notwithstanding be breast milk. In the kickoff, it's perfectly okay if your babe only eats a tsp of food at a time.

Sometimes when a female parent starts to introduce solids, she may go confused about when and how often to breastfeed. Yous should go along to breastfeed as per usual, and only add small meals or snacks in-between breastfeeding sessions.

Subsequently 2 years, if you are still breastfeeding, you tin can give your solid baby foods equally the master source of diet and add breastfeeding every bit a "snack" during the twenty-four hour period. Although, it is not unknown of for some children to be breastfed exclusively into their 2d yr and thrive.

starting solids, baby's first foods


  • Introduce solids at six months, while continuing to nurse.
  • Introduce baby food that is of high nutritional value.
  • Set up food safely, to reduce the incidence of food poisoning.
  • Requite your baby food that is prepared at an appropriate texture and amount according to historic period.
  • 6-viii-month-olds tin can be given a minor repast twice daily, 9-11 months tin be given a pocket-size meal 3 to 4 times daily and those between 12-24 months, tin can be given an extra snack or two during the day. This is added with breast milk equally the primary source of nutrition in the diet.

Breastfeed First or Requite Solid Food Start?

Mothers who breastfeed commencement and then feed their babies other food, find that their babies wean later, compared to those who allow their babies eat solid foods commencement and and so breastfeed.

It'due south best to offer your baby solid foods an 60 minutes or then later on breastfeeding. This is so that your baby does non take in less breast milk.

Interesting Facts Nearly Starting Infant on Solid Food

  • Breastfed babies digest solid foods much easier than formula fed babies, due to the enzymes in milk, helping to digest starch, fat, and proteins.
  • Breastfed babies accept to solid foods easier since they already recognize some flavors of food via the mother's breast milk. They are, therefore, less likely to become picky eaters.

Which Foods to Beginning off With?

  • Start with foods that are plain (without spices).
  • You can requite your baby whatsoever foods; there is no specific guild. Some popular foods to start a baby on, include banana, peaches, carrots, pears, squash, avocado, and rice cereal.
  • Some mothers like to start off with rice cereal, then soft things like mashed banana and finally they would offer meat and vegetables.
  • When you remember your baby is gear up, you can start introducing finger foods like pieces of fruit, rusks, and toast. Learn more about baby led weaning.
  • Try to introduce equally many dissimilar types of foods as possible. If your baby does not similar something, yous can ever attempt information technology at a subsequently stage again.
  • By eight months of historic period, you can make certain that your baby is eating a combination of fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and iron-fortified cereal daily. (Unless of course, if yous are a vegetarian family, in this example, you lot can expect for healthy alternative foods)

Signs That Your Infant Is Set to Commencement Solids

Not all babies are ready to eat solids at six months. Some babies may only show these signs at viii or 9 months. There is no rush, some babies take in solids just later on ane twelvemonth and take admittedly no health or growth problems.

  • When your baby can go on nutrient in the rima oris, without pushing it out with the tongue.
  • Your baby is preferably 6 months onetime.
  • Babe has increased his/her feeding frequency, for longer than a few days.
  • Your baby seems interested in the food on your plate.
  • Baby can grab hold of foods and straight the food to his/her own oral fissure.
  • Your baby starts imitating you, past opening the mouth broad, while y'all are eating.
  • Your babe can sit upright without help.
  • Baby has started getting teeth. Although this is non ever a good indicator as some babies are born with teeth!

Equipment Needed for Introducing Solid Foods

  • Highchair, plastic spoons and dishes, bibs and a sippy cup.
  • Baby food grinder if y'all are making your own infant nutrient.
Interesting Facts - Breast milk lonely is enough for a growing baby, even a big infant.

What if Baby Is Refusing Solids?

  • Some babies practise accept longer to adjust to eating solids; it may exist their ain little body's way of protecting itself until the digestive tract is ready.
  • A baby does not need to start solids to learn to chew past half dozen months. A baby can acquire to chew at any age.
  • With the exception of Vitamin D, babies do not need extra supplementation with vitamins and nutrients when breastfed exclusively.
  • Solids will not assist a baby sleep longer intervals at night.
  • Don't worry near this too much if your baby is still growing well and breastfeeding well.
  • Your baby volition get accustomed to the solids in his/her own time. All you have to exercise is continue to offer a multifariousness of foods if your infant does not want these foods, you lot should never force feed him/her.
  • Breast milk on its own can exclusively feed and attend a child, right up to the age of ii. So, as long as your own breast milk supply is adequate, your baby will be healthy.

Why Expect Until Six Months Before Starting Your Babe on Solids?

  • A babe's intestines but start maturing betwixt iv and six months.
  • Younger babies still have a tongue-thrust reflex, which makes it hard for them to go on food in their mouths and to swallow.
  • Babies only learn to sit upward from v months onward.
  • A infant but gets teeth for chewing from about 4 months, some only after half-dozen or seven months.
  • The before introduction of solids can cause allergic reactions.
  • The hazard of diarrhea is less after 6 months.
  • Your babe needs as much immune protection as possible during the first 6 months.
  • The babe is at an increased risk of developing allergic reactions if weaned before six months.
  • Poorer diet. The foods that a baby eats will nearly likely not be as nutrient and vitamin rich as breast milk.
  • The infant is at higher risk of ear and gut infections when less chest milk is consumed.

Signs That a Certain Foods Are Not Agreeing With Baby's Tummy

  • Flatulence (gassiness).
  • There may exist a ruby rash on your infant's face or bottom.
  • Diarrhea or explosive, frothy stools.
  • Extra fussiness.
  • Increment in spitting upwards (vomiting).

Larn more than about food allergies in the breastfed baby

How to Entice Your Baby to Eat

  • Take a seize with teeth of the food, and make a fuss over how much you like it.
  • Feed your infant when he/she is awake, alert and in a proficient mood.
  • Allow your babe to feed him/herself, sometimes this can encourage a baby to eat more, although this may get messy.
  • Add together some of your breast milk to the food that you are offering your baby, the food will gustatory modality more familiar; increasing its appeal. ;-)
  • A baby may feel more comfortable eating on the mother's lap. Allow your babe sit on your lap and eat with you.
  • Offer your babe finger foods.
extended breastfeeding picture, breastfeeding in the bath

Baby Offset Foods Ideas

It is e'er best to introduce whole foods into your babe's diet such equally steamed vegetables or fruit instead of processed baby foods or canned foods.

At half-dozen months a baby tin handle lightly mashed fruits and veg, or whole soft pieces of banana, cheese or avocado. The infant should be making some chewing motions when putting these in his/her mouth. The more whole the food is, the more likely the babe is going to stay interested.

Foods to Avert When Introducing Solids

(may cause choking)

  • Dried fruits.
  • Nuts.
  • Whole grapes.
  • Large pieces of sausage.
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Bread.

Foods to Avoid That Pose Danger:

  • Honey should be avoided for the first twelvemonth of a baby's life.
  • Dried fruits since they are high in sugar.
  • Deep fried foods are overall bad for a person's health.
  • Any form of carbohydrate and bogus sweeteners.
  • Salt.

Like shooting fish in a barrel Weaning Food Ideas

  • Pieces of toasted whole grain bread.
  • Low sugar breakfast cereal.
  • Frozen peas.
  • Tofu cubes.
  • Soft cooked beans.
  • Steamed fruits and vegetables.
  • Ripe, soft fruits.
  • Steel cut oats.

Moms Who Desire to Commencement Feeding Solids at four Months

Sometimes a mother might feel that her baby is ready for solids at four months, mayhap because her babe is starting to demand more breast milk. This is usually due to a growth spurt. She should try to breastfeed her baby every bit frequently as her babe needs, information technology is not necessary to start introducing solid foods yet. A growth spurt will only last nearly a week, after this, her baby should begin to feed equally usual over again.

Some babies may start grabbing at food on plates from about four months, yous can start to give your infant some food, but think that your milk supply may drop a flake if your baby starts to breastfeed less.

Likewise the sooner you introduce other foods, the sooner your baby is likely to wean, and the sooner your period is going to return. (If it has not already returned).

Warnings When Introducing Solid Food

  • Starting solids constipation: Don't supersede nursing with nutrient as well quickly, as this might cause your baby to go constipated.
  • When feeding baby solid food, you might notice a alter in bowel movements.
  • Ever offering your baby new foods in the forenoon, this will requite you some time during the day, to see if the food agrees with your baby's tummy, instead of having to wake upward at night with a colicky baby.
  • You lot may introduce fish, nuts, dairy or eggs slowly into your infant'south diet from six months, in pocket-sized amounts. As mentioned in a higher place : Recent research suggests that the introduction of "culprit allergy foods" into your baby's diet in small-scale amounts from the age of 6 months tin can foreclose allergic reactions afterward on. A mother is at present encouraged to eat these foods during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless she is allergic to a specific food. Some culprit foods include dairy products, nuts, fish, eggs, wheat, soy and citrus fruits. Reference for this new data: Allergies - Where are nosotros at present? & Early on consumption of peanuts in infancy is associated with a low prevalence of peanut allergy.

Babe Vomiting Subsequently Eating Solids

"With my outset child, I introduced baby food after 6 months, and she cooperated very well. My second babe is now 6 months, and I have given her solids that she throws up immediately later. Fifty-fifty though she is very eager to swallow, always 4 months, in fact, I wanted to kickoff giving her babe nutrient when I noticed this, but my mum advised that I wait till 6 months.

What can I exercise? Please your urgent reply volition be appreciated


No Blitz
past Tracy

"There is no rush to introduce solids; it tin be done slowly, specially if you have been breastfeeding exclusively. All babies are dissimilar and while ane takes the transition easily another might take much longer.

In that location are sure types of foods that are easier for a babe to assimilate. Information technology is recommended to get-go with these foods and slowly transition to others, as your baby becomes accustomed to them.

See signs of readiness to introduce solids.

The first type of food introduced should be mashed or pureed cooked fruit and vegetables. Soft fruits such as peach, banana or avocado may be given raw. Rice cereal may exist provided with expressed breast milk. Breast milk at this point should nonetheless be your baby'south chief source of nutrition.

The side by side type of food given, once the infant is treatment those foods fairly, should be soft-cooked meats such as fish and chicken, pasta, toast, rice, and hard-boiled eggs. At this stage, a few dairy products like (sugar-free) yogurt may be given.

Here is a page on baby'south commencement foods.

Promise this helps"

7-one/ii-Month-Old Starting Solids

"Over the final month, nosotros have been introducing solids to our now seven & 1/ii-month-one-time baby. He simply has a poop once every 7-x days. I understand this is normal, simply how long should it take to become more often as solids are introduced? He is now nevertheless pooping merely once every 4-7 days."

There is No "Normal"
by Lyssa

"Hello! Some babies poop 4 times a day, some in one case a day, others once a calendar week. It all depends on the baby's digestive arrangement and their diet, every bit breastmilk is very rapidly and ofttimes completely digested with not much left over to "pass."

As solids are introduced into a baby's diet, consistency, colour, and frequency usually modify to become more often. As the baby moves to an almost completely solid diet (on or later on 12 months), some babies regulate to once a twenty-four hours, or after every meal. Some babies may only have a stool every 2 or three days. Just as every developed is dissimilar, every baby is, likewise."

Starting Solids
by Zelda Behr

"It all depends on your baby's age, up unto half-dozen months babies just demand breast milk, after half-dozen months they need extra solids.

Try to at to the lowest degree give your baby 1 meal of solid foods per day and increment it from in that location.

Remember to introduce only ane new food at a time and wait three days before trying a new i to bank check for allergies.

If your petty ane does not like a specific food, requite it a few days and try it once again or mix it with some breast milk."

Baby off of Food and Only Wants to Breastfeed
past Dalia (Los Angeles California )
"How-do-you-do everyone,

I am a commencement-fourth dimension mom; I accept a vii-month-one-time babe girl. I accept been breastfeeding since she was born and she was fine for the first past month and a half eating baby Cereal oatmeal and eating bananas and snacks but at present that she turned seven months this past week all she wants to swallow is breast milk. Going on to her second week without eating is this normal?

Is someone going through something like this that tin give me some advice

Please permit me know. Thank you :) "

That'due south Okay
by Tracy

The verbal same affair happened with my daughter, except she started waking up more than often during the night as well.

It could be two things...

1. A growth spurt

2. Teething

If it is a growth spurt, you will notice that your little girl has grown somewhat in length after (which was the case with mine) My piddling girl is 9 months now and eating better than ever.

The most common time period for teeth to erupt is between 7 and 8 months, and so it is very possible that your fiddling girl is starting to teethe at present.

The adept news is, no matter what the upshot is, your infant will beginning to eat again soon, just keep trying to introduce foods...also maybe begin adding other foods, like finger foods.

Try not to worry about the fact that she is just breastfeeding, many moms have exclusively breastfed their babies until the age of one before introducing solids.

Hope this helps ;-)"

Tin You Mix Rice and fruit?
by Kavita (India)

"6-month-old infant non liking not-sweet(plain) liquids

I have introduced Rice and dal water at the age of v months start to my baby. She used to enjoy her food at the beginning. But when she completed her v months, she cries a lot when I feed her the same dal and rice water. She is ready to intake any fruit juice.

Is it okay if the fruit and the rice are mixed together to make her swallow solid nutrient? Or would information technology atomic number 82 to some allergy? Also, I am afraid that she would get into the habit of eating only sweetness foods as she grows older."

by Zelda Behr

"Babies need diverseness too and can get bored of the same food over and over.

Your babe is old plenty to kickoff giving pureed fruits and vegetables. Don't add table salt or carbohydrate to these, the naturally sugariness taste of the fruit is fine, and it won't cause the babe just to want sweetness flavors.

It is fine to mix it with the rice as the infant is already accustomed to the sense of taste of this.

Always introduce 1 new food at a time and await 3 days earlier introducing another new food to check for allergies.

Start with basic things like pumpkin, carrots, sugariness potato, steamed pear, steamed apple tree, assistant."

Why Is My 6 Months Old Poop Green and Fungus-Like?
by Azeezah Salau (Nigeria)

"My vi-months-onetime was exclusively breastfed for 6months when I introduced solid foods a week ago. I requite him rice cereal with formula, apple puree, assistant puree. I noticed like 2 days later he started to eat solids that he now poops frequently (6-viii times a twenty-four hours), also his poop is green, mucus-like and smells a bit. Please, someone, HELP me!"

Re: Light-green Stool
by: Lyssa

It is natural for a change in nutrition to event in a change in poop. Solids are all new for your babe, and his body is simply beginning to acquire how to blot the nutrients from solid foods!

If the infant is mainly breastfed, and then is introduced to formula (you said information technology was mixed with the rice cereal), this is most probable the crusade of the alter. Formula poop is more often a greener color than chest milk. A modify in frequency in bowel movements is too normal, equally the baby's digestive system gets accepted to solid foods.

You tin can express chest milk to utilize with the cereal in identify of the formula if you would like, or cull other high atomic number 26 foods (such as greenish veggies) to supervene upon the cereal."

  • Allergies


Source: https://breastfeeding-problems.com/introducing-solid-foods/

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